On August 15, the National Farm Worker Ministry, its board and allies, visited NC farm worker camps to express solidarity with the farm workers and the current sign up campaign. Over 30 allies, came together to learn about the farm worker movement in the south, FLOC’s Reynolds Campaign, and how FLOC is organizing farm workers all across the state with the “Respect, Recognition, and Raise” campaign. “Led by the self-determination of farm workers, FLOC is doing what so many thought could not be done…” commented Lindsay Comstock, Executive Director of the NFWM, “… continuing to organize farm workers, continuing to organize the South and continuing to realize justice for tobacco pickers.” Visiting farm worker labor camps in Wayne, Nash, Wilson and Sampson counties, the group was able to listen to the stories of dozens of farm workers from Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean. In their visits, the group was also able to listen to farm workers as they gave testimony to the harsh conditions in which they live and work in everyday. The group expressed their gratitude towards the farm workers and delivered a message of solidarity at every camp that they visited.