March on Reynolds 2015
FLOC members and allies marched through Downtown Winston Salem, NC as they demanded that Reynolds American sign an agreement with FLOC guaranteeing labor rights for farmworkers in their supply chain.
FLOC members and allies marched through Downtown Winston Salem, NC as they demanded that Reynolds American sign an agreement with FLOC guaranteeing labor rights for farmworkers in their supply chain.
U.S. tobacco farmworkers return to BAT AGM for fourth year.
LONDON, UK- Baldemar Velasquez, the President of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, a union that represents tobacco farm workers in North Carolina and the American South, told stockholders at the British American Tobacco (BAT) Annual General Meeting (AGM), held today at the Milton Court Concert Hall, Guild Hall School of Music and Drama, to stop …
Read more “US Tobacco Farm Workers Return for the Fourth Year to BAT AGM”
On May 7th, join Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO members and allies at Reynolds American’s annual shareholders meeting to call on the company to sign an agreement with FLOC.
Their chants of “Justice Now!” made known that, despite Reynolds’ claim that it is addressing human rights abuses in its supply chain, the company’s efforts have fallen far short of results for farmworkers.
On August 29, 2012 Greg Junemann, International President of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), attended Camp Solidarity. He was joined by representatives from the Embassy of Japan and the Embassy of Taiwan, who also were interested in learning more about labor organizing in agriculture. Following the visit, President Junemann wrote about …
Read more “IFPTE President Junemann visits the fields with FLOC”
On Thursday September 20, 2012 FLOC hosted a Camp Solidarity visit with members of the Beloved Community Center (BCC). The Beloved Community Center is a community based organization that is committed to grassroots empowerment, especially among minorities, within the context and spirit of forging a beloved community for all residents. About 20 members of BCC …
Read more “Beloved Community Center and other faith allies visit the fields”
Send a letter to Reynolds American, Inc. to let the company know that you are concerned about the conditions in NC tobacco fields, and that they should sign an agreement with FLOC guaranteeing the right to freedom of association to farmworkers who harvest the company’s tobacco! Farmworkers deserve safe and fair working and living conditions …
More than 25 concerned customers attended Kangaroo’s shareholders meeting to ask company leaders why they hadn’t responded to their concerns regarding human rights violations in Southern tobacco fields.
Beginning in 2012, Triangle Friends of Farmwokers, a group founded to support farmworker organizing campaigns, has been leading the charge on organizing monthly visits at Kangaroo stores in and around Raleigh, North Carolina. Each month the group organizes local community members to deliver a letter to the store manager, and briefly picket outside of the …
Read more “Triangle Friends of Farmworkers organizing monthly actions at Kangaroo”