FLOC’s annual benefit concert will be held on December 12th at Forrester’s on the River in Toledo, OH. This year FLOC president, Baldemar Velasquez, will be joined by the Aguila Negra Band as they play a series of movement songs and Mexican folk music. All proceeds from the evening will go towards FLOC’s ongoing fight to bring justice to migrant workers throughout the Midwest and South, by guaranteeing them freedom of association. Please join us for an evening of story and song, and consider becoming a sponsor. Sponsorship Details: $100 – Silver $200 – Gold $300 – Platinum $500+ – Underwriter for Justice All contributions made to FLOC’s education and training partner, CMWJ, are tax exempt. Checks can be made out to CMWJ and mailed to 1221 Broadway St. Toledo, OH 43609