Send a letter to Reynolds American, Inc. to let the company know that you are concerned about the conditions in NC tobacco fields, and that they should sign an agreement with FLOC guaranteeing the right to freedom of association to farmworkers who harvest the company’s tobacco! Farmworkers deserve safe and fair working and living conditions and a voice on the job.
Coming soon! Check back to take action online! You will be able click here to quickly and easily send an email to the company. Be sure to share it with your social networks after you take action!
You can also write your own letter to the company, and send it to:
Mr. Daniel Delen
President and CEO
Reynolds American Inc.
401 North Main St.
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Below is sample text that you can use to write you own:
(Click here to find the link where you can download the letter as a Word document that you can edit)
I support the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) and its efforts to bring justice to tobacco farm workers in the fields of North Carolina and the South.Tobacco farm workers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.Reynolds American is the largest tobacco company in North Carolina, and claims that the company has taken steps to ensure that exploitative conditions do not exist on their contract farms. However, I believe that once migrant workers have a voice in the supply chain, then their complaints about conditions can be truly addressed.I call on Reynolds American Inc. to work with FLOC to develop a written agreement establishing a process guaranteeing freedom of association and worker representation for tobacco farm workers in the Reynolds American supply chain.
I look forward to your response.