Combatting Child Labor on World Children’s Day

On World Children’s Day we are calling attention to the thousands and thousands of children who work in agriculture, often in hazardous and dangerous conditions. In the United States, more children die working in agriculture than in any other industry. A report by Human Rights Watch sheds light on the use of child labor in …

Support Federal Changes to the H2-A System!

For years, the Farm Labor Organizing Committee has raised the alarm on the extreme vulnerabilities perpetuated within the H2-A system, including the widespread corruption within the recruitment system, the power imbalance created by tying workers’ immigration status to a single employer, and the rise of unscrupulous farm labor contractors, who are perpetuators of the most …

Save Our Jobs, Save Our Farms

On Sunday, October 1st in Wilson, North Carolina an unexpected alliance developed between a large group of migrant farmworkers and numerous North Carolina farm groups. Through a two-hour discussion, the joint goal emerged of keeping labor intensive, small family farms operating in the United States to maintain and expand farmworker jobs currently protected under a collective bargaining agreement.

Protecting Workers During Deadly Heat

In the past month, two farmworkers have died due to heat related illnesses while working in the fields in the United States. Efraín, a young 29-year-old passed away in South Florida after experiencing signs of heat illness. After trying to cool off, he got up to go back to work, but then was found on the ground unresponsive. Dario, who was only 26 years old, passed away after working in over 90-degree heat in Yuma, Arizona, during a week with record-breaking temperatures rising over 100 degrees days in a row. The deaths of these two young men are incomprehensible because they were preventable. The

FLOC Leaders go to Geneva, Cultivate Solidarity and Meet with Big Tobacco!

FLOC President Baldemar Velasquez and Secretary Treasurer Christiana Wagner attended the 28th Congress of the International Union of Food, Agriculture, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco, and Allied Workers’ Association (IUF) in Geneva, Switzerland. The IUF is an international federation of trade unions across the globe that we have been affiliated with  for over a decade now. …

2023 BAT Shareholders Meeting

On April 19th, FLOC President Baldemar Velasquez and staff attended British American Tobacco’s Annual General Meeting to share with the executive board and shareholders the human rights abuses occurring in their supply chain. President Velasquez asked BAT Chairman Luc Jobin during the meeting,

“How and when will BAT do a serious effort to engage and address the serious inequities in the workforce that comes to harvest and cultivate the tobacco in its supply chain?”  

FLOC Continues Struggle with BAT & Reynolds American Tobacco at Annual General Meeting in London

FLOC Continues Struggle with British American Tobacco and Subsidiary Reynolds American Tobacco at Annual General Meeting in London  PRESS RELEASE London, England- On Wednesday, April 19th FLOC President Baldemar Velasquez will be appearing at the British American Tobacco’s (BAT) Annual General Meeting.   President Velasquez will communicate directly with shareholders concerning the ongoing inequities and abuses …