Marcha en Reynolds 2014

Por sus cantos para la “Justicia ahora!” se hizo saber que, a pesar de la declaración de Reynolds que esta considerando la cuestión de los abusos de los derechos humanos en la cadena de suministro, los esfuerzos de la companía aún no han producido ningun resultado para los campesinos.

FLOC and allies press BAT to do more to end human rights abuses

April 30, 2014–Today, at British American Tobacco’s annual shareholders meeting, Chairman Burrows spent a considerable amount of time during his remarks addressing the issue of labor rights in Reynolds’ supply chain. After several years of pressure from FLOC and its international allies, BAT clearly feels that this is an issue the company must address. As Reynolds American’s largest …

2013 In Review

Last year was jam packed with membership meetings, marches and rallies, contract administration and building solidarity in the labor movement, topped off with a very successful Constitutional Convention! Check out our 2013 newsletter to see more of the exciting things FLOC members and staff have been working on.

Triangle Friends of Farmworkers organizing monthly actions at Kangaroo

Beginning in 2012, Triangle Friends of Farmwokers, a group founded to support farmworker organizing campaigns, has been leading the charge on organizing monthly visits at Kangaroo stores in and around Raleigh, North Carolina. Each month the group organizes local community members to deliver a letter to the store manager, and briefly picket outside of the …

Members of British Parliament Pledge to Support NC Tobacco Farmworkers

On December 13, 2013, Members of the British Parliament received an unusual briefing, when FLOC President Baldemar Velasquez met with Members at the Westminster to report on the serious human rights abuses occurring in tobacco fields throughout the South. The meeting was a collaborative effort of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), American Federation of Labor and …

Kangaroo Consumer Actions

Kangaroo customers throughout North Carolina and South Carolina have been visiting their local Kangaroo stores to voice their concern over working conditions in NC tobacco fields, and to call on Kangaroo to meet with concerned consumers and then convey their concerns to Reynolds. Consumers have been delivering letters to the store managers, asking them to …