FLOC Joins March on Richmond in Solidarity with Fight for $15

Saturday, August 13, 2016, FLOC joined over 10,000 people for the March on Richmond in a demonstration that connected the struggle against racism, for Black lives, and immigrants rights, with the fight for higher wages and unions. Check out the news coverage of this powerful event: >Politico: $15 minimum wage movement to vote on organizing mass fast-food …

Sen. Jackson silent on wage theft charges as group delivers 10,000 name petition

May 31, 2016 “We only asked for what is ours and for what the law says: that we should get paid and that the supervisor stop abusing people. We don’t deserve to lose our jobs for speaking out.” -Valentin, blacklisted worker from Jackson’s farm NC Senator Brent Jackson has been the target of thousands of …

Allies attend Philip Morris International shareholders meeting, deliver 10,000 name petition to PMI Headquarters

FLOC and allies attended the Philip Morris International (PMI) shareholders meeting and later delivered a 10,000 name petition about labor violations on PMI farms to press the company to engage with FLOC about resolving problems and guaranteeing freedom of association for farmworkers in their supply chain.

Hundreds Rally at Reynolds After Audit Finds Serious Abuses on Reynolds Farms

FLOC members and allies took over Winston Salem streets for the eighth time at Reynolds American’s annual shareholders meeting, calling on the company to guarantee freedom of association throughout their supply chain and ensure farmworkers have a safe grievance procedure to voice and remedy complaints. This year, FLOC’s focus was on a recent report of child labor and other serious violations on Reynolds contract farms.