FLOC Homies Union Employment Program Application
If you have any questions about this application, please contact Homies Youth Program Manager, Johnny Garcia at jgarcia@cmwj.org or call us at 419-243-3456
If you have any questions about this application, please contact Homies Youth Program Manager, Johnny Garcia at jgarcia@cmwj.org or call us at 419-243-3456
Gillary está compartiendo su historia como parte de nuestra sección de “Voces: Somos FLOC / Voces: Somos FLOC” La campaña para destacar las historias de nuestros miembros para recaudar fondos y crear conciencia para apoyar la importante labor organizadora que nuestros miembros están realizando en los campos. Por favor considere hacer una donación hoy para apoyar …
Read more “Te Presentamos A Gillary: Tiene 18 Años, Y Esta Cambiando El Mundo”
Join the FLOC Homies Union September 10, 2016 as we walk to promote peace in our community. We join together to call for an end to violence on our streets, and police discrimination and brutality. We work to a build safe, vibrant community where brown and black lives are respected and protected.
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Written by Olivia Jones *All names have been changed to protect the individual* Walking into the home of Ms. Angelica, I quickly smelled the home cooked meal she was preparing for her two school-aged kids. My first reaction was amazement as I sat down and noticed her fragile, rough and shaking hands were the hands …
We are counting down the days until our annual FLOC Leadership Training in Monterrey Mexico.
FLOC members and allies marched through Downtown Winston Salem, NC as they demanded that Reynolds American sign an agreement with FLOC guaranteeing labor rights for farmworkers in their supply chain.
On Sunday August 10, FLOC members filled the FLOC office in Dudley to discuss the “Respect, Recognition, and Raise” campaign as well as upcoming contract negotiations with the NCGA.
FLOC members and elected officials appreciate all the work that the summer organizers have done for the “Respect, Recognition, and Raise” campaign.
Reproduced with permission from Occupational Safety & Health Reporter, 44 OSHR 707 (July 31, 2014). Copyright 2014 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033) <http://www.bna.com> By Stephen Lee July 28 — AFL-CIO organizers said July 28 they will insist the major tobacco companies provide better safety and health protections for farmworkers and allow them to …
Read more “AFL-CIO Demands Better Protections, Union Rights for Tobacco Farmworkers”