President Velasquez & Secretary Treasurer Christiana Wagner at Our Border With the AFL-CIO

10. 31.2019 El Paso, Texas & Juarez, Mexico – President Baldemar Velasquez and our Secretary Treasurer Christian Velasquez were part of a delegation of the AFL-CIO who traveled to the El Paso massacre site to pay their respects and to see in-person the situation at the Border. It is no surprise to anyone to hear …

FLOC VP Flores Nails Immigration Debacle

Recently, our Vice President Justin Flores was interviewed by the Raleigh’s The News & Observer newspaper about Trump’s immigration crackdown. Here is a snippet of Vice President Flores’s comments: “Flores said the root of the farm worker problem is a failure to support the role of foreign seasonal laborers. “The refusal to admit that the …

Olympian Harvesters Deserve A Fair Day’s Pay for Hard Work!

FLOC members are Olympian harvesters! Thanks to Esmith for the video! This is what they call el baje; they’re taking all the leaves off the stalk and as you can see he fills his underarm with a whole lot of leaves. Then he runs to the trailer to dump it (that part isn’t in the video), and …

2017 Grievance Summary

After a successful five-year boycott of the Mt. Olive Pickle Company, FLOC won a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the NC Growers Association that today provides historic labor rights to over 10,000 farmworkers employed with H2A guest worker visas. Read about all of the processed and resolved complaints from 2017!